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Botulinum toxin, commonly referred to as Botox, is a popular and minimally invasive treatment used to improve the appearance of the upper face.

The treatment works by temporarily paralysing the underlying muscles that cause wrinkles and fine lines.


The most common areas of the upper face that can be treated include the forehead, frown lines between the eyebrows, and crow’s feet around the eyes. These areas are particularly prone to wrinkles and fine lines due to repetitive muscle movements such as squinting or frowning.


Muscle-relaxing injections can effectively improve the appearance of these areas, resulting In a more youthful and refreshed look.


1 Area                                   £140                    

2 Area                                   £175                    

3 Areas                                 £200     



Jawline Slimming – or Masseters reduction for cosmetic purposes – is a simple yet effective procedure that involves the injection of the Neurotoxin Botulinum Type A into the large Masseter muscles to create a slim and more feminine jawline.


The masseter muscles are the muscles that are attached at the angle of your jaw and control all the movements related to chewing food. For some people, strong jaw muscles are part of their normal anatomy. However, for others a square jaw line is the result of a condition called Bruxism, which causes excessive teeth grinding or clenching.


With overuse from habitual teeth grinding, the masseter muscles become over developed and more pronounced, causing the shape of the lower face to alter and acquire that strong ‘square-jawed’ look (along with other painful and potentially more serious symptoms).

Bruxism can affect the Jawline and this is because clenching or grinding teeth is an involuntary movement, which we cannot control and can occur either while awake or asleep. The medical term for unconscious teeth grinding and jaw clenching is bruxism, and many people suffer with it for years without even realising it.


It is thought that 70% of grinding and clenching happens at night when we sleep, but it can also happen while we are concentrating or under stress. This causes a hypertrophic growth of the muscles attached to the jaw, called the masseters, and therefore a wider square-looking face.





Do you feel less confident because of your gummy smile? Gums are no doubt important to our mouth, but surely no one wants to show their excess gums to people while smiling. You can have a gummy smile due to various reasons. A lot of people do not like gummy smiles because it makes them feel less confident. But, the good news is that it can be treated.




At the sides of our mouth there is a muscle called the depressor anguli oris (DAO). This attaches at the edge of the lips and pulls downwards towards the jawline. As we age, this muscle can become overactive.


By placing small accurate amounts of Botulinum into this muscle on each side, it causes the muscle to relax. This relaxation allows the corners of the mouth to lift as there is a reduction in the pulling down action. Like with all Botulinum treatments, the results are temporary and will typically wear off after approximately four months.




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